
MeanServers - KVM 2核 1G 35G 丹佛 提供免费DirectAdmin面版使用

MeanServers一家美国服务器主机商,本次优惠为 KVM 虚拟架构,又一个很不错的优势是提供免费的 DirectAdmin 虚拟主机面板,这样可以为做站的朋友节约不少的本金哦!不过数据中心位于丹佛,因地理位置原因速度不会很理想的,不过做外贸站是一个不错的选择。支持绝大多数操作系统,但如果安装windows自行解决,主机商提供需要额外费用。

Unmanaged 1GB LET Exclusive
Intel Xeon Processors
1 Core x3 Priority
100 GB SSD-Cached SAS 15k RAID 10 Hard Drives
2,500 GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 IP Address
/96 Subnet IPv6 IP Addresses
KVM VPS Technology
DirectAdmin FREE
Click Here to Order Now!

Unmanaged 512MB LET Exclusive
Intel Xeon Processors
1 Core x2 Priority
40 GB SSD-Cached SAS 15k RAID 10 Hard Drives
512 MB RAM
1,000 GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 IP Address
/96 Subnet IPv6 IP Addresses
KVM VPS Technology
DirectAdmin FREE
Click Here to Order Now!

Unmanaged 256MB LET Exclusive
Intel Xeon Processors
1 Core x1 Priority
15 GB SSD-Cached SAS 15k RAID 10 Hard Drives
256 MB RAM
200 GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 IP Address
/96 Subnet IPv6 IP Addresses
KVM VPS Technology
Click Here to Order Now!

Unmanaged 128MB LET Exclusive
Intel Xeon Processors
1 Core x1 Priority
5 GB SSD-Cached SAS 15k RAID 10 Hard Drives
128 MB RAM
75 GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 IP Address
/96 Subnet IPv6 IP Addresses
KVM VPS Technology
Click Here to Order Now!

I/O Performance Stats: [root@dns2 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync 16384+0 records in 16384+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.17393 s, 494 MB/s

[task]DirectAdmin is included free on plans that have the minimum resources required to run them properly (512MB or 1GB). Bring Your Own License for Windows is available only on our 1GB special (the only one with minimum requirements). Need a Windows license? No problem, add $10/month and we will cover you[/task]

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